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The Heart Creative Magazine

Whether speaking in a figurative or literal sense, the heart is an essential part of any living being. Heart signifies commitment, imagination, and passion. This passion drives us to share our emotions, life stories, political statements, and new ideas and lies at the core of what we create. The Heart creative magazine is a student-run print publication showcasing the artistic and literary innovation of college students providing a time capsule of the current culture and progress of our creators.

Cover design


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black magic (2022)

Black Magic is the expression of Black power, excellence, resiliency and beauty. The Heart creative magazine collected works of creative expression including artwork, literature, and much more. 

This issue used this theme to represent symbols celebrating the unique beauty of Black culture and creative expression

Renaissance (2021)

A renaissance is a revival of the arts where new, unique styles can develop a long-lasting cultural impact. It's a movement that signifies change, rebirth, and innovation. In the past year, we have faced pain, struggle, and all around chaos, however, the lessons we learned can carry us to the next stage of our development in not only our art but life as a whole. As we move forward into this unseen era we want to see your renaissance.


This issue used this theme to represent symbols of personal development and growth.

empowerment (2022)

Empowerment through creative self-expression is life changing. Works of art and writing can symbolize confidence, self-love, and knowing oneself. This month especially, we want to honor the power Black creative students hold. Show us what empowers you.


This issue used this theme to represent symbols confidence, self-love, self-actualization, and agency.

Layout and Editing

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social media posts

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