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"A Hunt for Friends"

This board is entitled "A Hunt for Friends". The story follows a lonely young fox who is in search for playmates. His search is interrupted by a much different type of "hunt".

"The Eye of the Beholder"

This board is entitled "The Eye of the Beholder". The story follows an artist who breaks her glasses. She goes to find a replacement pair and is shocked by how she is transformed by the different pairs of glasses she puts on. She ultimately finds the pair that suits her best.

"Surfin' the Web"

This animatic follows the story of a high school student who is truly immersed in The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai. She is transported into the painting after learning about it in her art history class. This story is meant to emphasize the importance of arts education in primary education and the power of imagination and inspiration.

Single Panel Storyboards


Columbia Studios Reimagining

This is the storyboard for an animation I made in Adobe Animate. It is a reimagining of the Columbia Studios opening. I implored a comic book style and changed the signature look of the figure to have different features.

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